This website
The book

This website

This website is the companion of the book "Nonresponse in Household Surveys" by Jelke Bethlehem, Fannie Cobben and Barry Schouten. This is a handbook about the theoretical and practical aspects of nonresponse in surveys.

The website is a quick reference guide to some of the most important aspects of nonresponse. It describes why it is a problem amd what you can do about it.

Non-response is one of the most serious problems for sample survey. Non-response may lead to estimates that are seriously biased. This is shown by means of a simulation experiment. Non-response problems may be reduced by carrying out some form of adjustment weighting.A simple example of weighting is given.

There is a software package that can be downloaded. This is the program SimSam for simulating random samples from finite populations. It can slo be used to demonstrate the effects of nonresponse..

The book

The book Nonresponse in Household Surveys by Jelke Bethlehem, Fannie Cobben and Barry Schouten is a book about nonresponse. It describes the problem of nonresponse in household surveys. It gives an overview of the theory, but also describes practical implications. Therefore, it can be seen as a handbook for those involved in practical survey research.

The book is mainly about unit nonresponse but also covers item nonresponse. It not only shows the possible negative effects of nonresponse on the quality of the outcomes of surveys (biased estimates), but also presents various approaches to reduce these negative effects (reduction of nonresponse and correction techniques).

The book contains the state of the art in the area of nonresponse research. It contains topics not found in other books about surveys. Examples are the R-indicator and the Heckman approach. The theory and practice of non-response correction is extensively covered.

A real survey data set can be downloaded from this website. This dataset is used throughout the book for examples and exercises.